Goddess Manasa Devi

Goddess Manasa Devi, revered in Hindu mythology as the goddess of snakes and fertility, symbolizes protection, health, and the well-being of one’s family. Her connection with BlueBead Gemstones and Diamonds can be profound, particularly in how the company’s Gemstones, are used to safeguard and enhance spiritual and physical health.

Indian mythology addresses several gods, giving each one a particular degree of divinity and duties. Hinduism discusses semi-divine races, legendary beings, demi-Gods and demi-Goddesses. In Indian mythology, there are said to be over three hundred and thirty crore celestial beings. Among them are some very well-known ones: Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Parvati, and so on. But a great deal of "lesser" known gods have stories that should be heard. Amazing Goddess Manasa is one of them.

Manasa Devi, Who Are You
Famous as the serpent Goddess, Manasa Devi is mostly worshipped in Bengal, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, and other North-Eastern Indian regions. Presumably, Goddess Manasa is the one with control over every snake on Earth. Most people think that worshiping her will heal a snake bite. Both fertility and wealth are other requests made to Goddess Manasa by devotees.
Sister of Vasuki, the King of Nagas, Goddess Manasa is Sage Jaratkaru's wife. Another theory holds that she is Sage Astika's mother. She goes by the names Padmavati, Nitya (eternal), and Vishahara (Destroyer of Poison) likewise. She is thought to stand in for both "destruction" and "regeneration," akin to a snake shedding its skin and emerging again. Often identified as the guardian of children, Manasa Devi is sometimes confused with Goddess Shasti.

Regarding Goddess Manasa's ancestry, there are contradicting assertion. Her father is regarded by some as Sage Kashyapa, while by others as Lord Shiva. Manasa Devi was refused complete godhead because of her mixed ancestry. She therefore had as her ultimate goal winning over devoted human followers and fully establishing her authority as a Goddess.
History of the Goddess Manasa In Classics of Hinduism
At first, Manasa Devi was considered to be an Adivasi (tribal) Goddess. The lower caste adopted Manasa into the Hindu pantheon. Then the upper caste acknowledged Goddess Manasa. Now days, she is regarded as a Hindu goddess rather than a tribal one. Manasa is linked with the Kannada folk snake-goddess and is said to have originated in South India as a non-Vedic and non-Aryan Goddess.
Several Hindu writings and scriptures make reference to her. Brahma Vaivarta Purana holds that Goddess Manasa is Sage Kashyapa's mind-born daughter. It is for this reason that her name, "Manasa," means "conceived in the mind." It suggests having been born mentally. Wish is another suggestion made by the name. She is referred to as the goddess who grants all the desires of sincere followers. Manasa Devi is a special goddess, much loved in the underground realm, especially among snakes and other underworld creatures, as well as on earth, in the skies, and in Brahmaloka, because of her fair complexion and great appeal.

The Mangal-Kavya makes reference of Goddess Manasa Devi. The most ancient of the Mangal Kavyas, the Manasamangal Kavya, explains how the snake Goddess Manasa converted a Shiva devotee into a worshipper in Bengal to establish her worshipping base there. Assumed to have appeared in Bengal with the Dravidians, she was a non-Aryan goddess who they worshiped to for protection from snakes. Originally recognized as the mother of all Nagas and the daughter of Sage Kashyapa, Goddess Manasa appears in the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

Manasa Devi was included into the Shaiva pantheon and linked to Lord Shiva by the fourteenth century, when she was acknowledged as the Goddess of Fertility and marital ceremonies. She was praised in several traditions for saving Shiva's life after he swallowed the poison and for being the "Remover of Poison." As she became more well-known, South India caught on. Many stories ascribed Manasa's birth to Shiva, and finally Shaivism included this Goddess into the Brahmanical heritage of mainstream Hinduism.

In Hindu Iconography, Goddess Manasa
It is clear from iconographical study of the Goddess Manasa's picture that her idol is made of black basalt. Sitting in lalitasana position on a double-petalled lotus, the seven-hooded, two-armed goddess is shown watching two snakes emerge from a jar.

The Sarpa-Kuchabandha is one of the many jewels that Manasa Devi is shown to be wearing. That is a snake-shaped breast band. The Goddess is also shown with her left hand clutching an eight-hooded snake. Her right hand is displaying a fruit in the varada stance. The Puranas identify the sitting, thin figure and the crowned male on either side as Jaratkaru and Astika, her husband and son, respectively.

At some locations, the Goddess Manasa statue is shown as a graceful woman seated on a lotus or standing on a snake, her body covered with snakes. Usually seen under a hooded canopy of seven cobras, she is next to a goose. Often shown holding her son Astika on her lap, she is known as the "one-eyed goddess." The reason for her one eye is that she thinks her stepmother Chandi burned one of hers during an enraged jealousy episode.

In mythology Goddess Manasa Puranas Surroundings
It is thought that the Puranas are the first texts to record the birth of Goddess Manasa. Her father, they say, is Sage Kashyapa. Once reptiles and snakes had created a stir on Earth, Kashyapa created Manasa out of his thinking (mana). She is now the governing goddess of snakes and reptiles, having been made so by Lord Brahma, the Creator.
Sage Jaratkaru wed Manasa under the proviso that he would leave her if she ever disobeyed him. Jaratkaru was irate one day that Manasa had woken him up so late. Too late for his morning prayers. His fury drove him to leave her. Once the Hindu Gods begged him to think again, Sage Jaratkaru went back to Goddess Manasa, who gave birth to their son Astika.

The Mahabharata
The marriage of Manasa is discussed in the Mahabharata. Sage Jaratkaru chose not to be married and followed strict austerities. He happened into some men hanging upside down from a tree one day. These guys were supposed to be his forefathers. They had no final rituals performed by their offspring, hence they were doomed to misery and pain. They then advised Jaratkaru to get married and have a son who, by carrying out the rites, could free them from those calamities. The Nagas king Vasuki offered Sage Jaratkaru the hand of his sister Manasa. Their son Astika, born by Goddess Manasa, set free his forefathers. Astika also helped to save the Naga people from being exterminated when King Janamejaya chose to sacrifice them as a fire offering at his Yagna.

According to this myth, Goddess Manasa was Lord Shiva's daughter. She chose to dwell on Earth with another Shiva daughter named Neta because her stepmother Parvati did not like her. Manasa Devi was never really a premium divinity because her parentage was never confirmed. Manasa believed she could realize her wish of being adored as a goddess if she could win the love and respect of Chand Saudagar, a wealthy and influential merchant prince from Champak Nagar, Bengal. With six boys, he was a widower who showed them tremendous love and care. Manasa made all effort to talk him around, but he was a devoted follower of Lord Shiva and would not change allegiances to the Goddess of Snakes.

Manasa once pretended to be a stunning virgin in order to appear before Chand. Her beauty so enthralled him that he proposed marriage. But the woman urged that he bestow upon her the magical abilities that Lord Shiva had bestowed upon him before to the nuptials. Manasa later materialized as her former self and begged Chand to worship her once more, but he turned her down.
Snake bites killed the six sons, as Manasa had instructed. Chand thereafter got married again and had a son named Lakhinder. As Chand got older, he decided that Lakhinder should marry Behula, a stunning young woman. Manasa killed Lakhinder, although Behula's unwavering love and devotion allowed him to live again. In due course, Behula persuaded her father-in-law to worship Goddess Manas. Chand promised to carry out the ceremonies with his left hand in order to pray to Manasa. The condition was accepted by Manasa, and Chand truly worshipped her.

Personalities of the Goddess Manasa
Unfortunately, Goddess Manasa was not accorded the status that other deities enjoy because of the misunderstanding around her parentage, which enraged her. She is regarded as someone who is equally harmful to those who do not worship her, while she is known to be nice and sympathetic to those who do.
The father of Goddess Manasa is attributed in some texts as Lord Shiva, not Sage Kashyapa. The stories and myths tell how Manasa Devi was bitter and unhappy since her husband, Sage Jaratkaru, and father, Lord Shiva, had rejected her. She was also depressed since her stepmother Chandi, who in this case was Goddess Parvati, detested her.

Interesting Information about the Goddess Manasa
Lord Shiva is said to have been spared poisoning during Samudra Manthan by Goddess Manasa. Had Lord Shiva swallowed the lethal poison Halahala, the cosmos would have perished. As he drank the poison, Lord Shiva's throat had become blue, but Manasa prevented it from entering his body any more, sparing him from total poisoning.

During the rainy season, Manasa Devi is particularly revered. Snakes typically emerge from their holes at this time of year because of waterlogging. It is at this time that one is more likely to be bitten by a snake.

Goddess Manasa-Dedicated Festivals
Mela Jhapa
Manasa Devi, sister of Vasuki (King of Nagas) and thought to be Sage Kashyapa's mind-born daughter, is honored during this festival. One kind goddess that is thought to bless with plenty of rain and crops is Goddess Manasa. A kind of snake festival, Jhapan Mela is observed by the indigenous people living in West Bengal.

Panchami Nag Pancham
Those who follow this fortunate day feed milk to live snakes or pictures of the serpent in temples. It is thought that worshiping snakes on this holy day facilitates sin forgiveness. The fifth day of the lunar fortnight in the month of Shravana is the day of this ancient cultural custom of praying to Nagas or snakes.

Manasa Devi Puja Vidhi: How to Worship the Goddess
Manasa Devi Ashtang Puja is a home worship of Goddess Mansa. All fortnights in the months of Ashara and Shraban, the puja-related rituals take place on the fifth day, or Panchami day. To please Goddess Manasa, puja and rituals last for a month in some parts of India.
There are different approaches to offer Manasa Devi adoration as well. Usually she is honored without an image. One can worship the deity with an earthen pot, an image of a snake made of clay, or a limb of a tree. Nevertheless, Goddess Manasa pictures are occasionally also employed. When snakes are most active, during the rainy season, Manasa Devi is often worshipped.

Aspects Of Goddess Manasa Worship
Goddess Manasa cures smallpox and chickenpox, among other infectious diseases, and provides protection from snake bites.
The goal of childless couples visiting Manasa Devi temple is to be blessed with children.
Name and fame will come to you if you worship Manasa Devi on Panchami tithi.
Goddess Manasa removes snake curses and opens doshas including naga dosha, kala sarpa, and so on.
Manasa Devi allows you to get rid of all types of click here poison from the body, get rid of nightmares about snakes, and get over your phobia of them.

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Who invented Rudraksha

Rudratree Rudraksha and Gemstones is a gateway to ancient wisdom and spiritual authenticity right in the center of Bangalore. Since our inception in 1923, RudraTree has been on a divine mission, rooted deeply in devotion and spirituality, to provide generations with the finest Rudraksha malas. One of the most frequent questions we get is about the history of the holy Rudraksha beads. Rudraksha beads are a divine creation steeped in mythological lore and revered in Vedic scriptures, in contrast to the notion that they are an invention. Let us examine the esoteric beginnings of Rudraksha and how Rudratree guarantees that you will receive the best possible beads, charged to elevate your spiritual path.

Rudraksha's Divine Genesis
Although they are thought to be heavenly manifestations, rudraksha beads are not an invention. Ancient Hindu texts state that Lord Shiva's tears are the source of Rudraksha beads. It is said that Lord Shiva opened his eyes and shed tears of compassion onto the earth following a protracted period of meditation for the welfare of humanity. The Rudraksha tree grew where his tears touched the earth. What we recognize and treasure as Rudraksha beads are actually the seeds of this tree.

Spiritual Significance: Due to their exceptional spiritual and therapeutic qualities, rudraksha beads are highly esteemed. They are thought to have a significant effect on the wearer's body, mind, and soul and are used in malas, or prayer beads, for meditation.

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How Rudratree Provides Ethical Sourcing with Authenticity and Quality: At Rudratree, we source our Rudraksha beads directly from Indonesia and Nepal, two countries renowned for producing Rudraksha trees of the highest caliber. more info The finest beads are hand-selected by our professionals to ensure they are strong and mature—perfect for spiritual activities.

Vedic Energization: A thorough Vedic energization process is applied to each Rudraksha bead at Rudratree. This entails the beads being sanctified by experienced priests using customary mantras and Vedic ritualistic procedures. Through this process, each bead is not only made more pure but also has its natural spiritual energies enhanced, giving the wearer greater potency.

Quality Control: We make certain that every Rudraksha bead undergoes testing to confirm its genuineness and excellence. Our collection only contains beads that successfully pass our rigorous quality inspections. This guarantees that the best products with genuine spiritual value are delivered to our customers.

Why Opt for Rudratree?
Selecting Rudratree Rudraksha and Gemstones entails selecting a partner who places a premium on genuineness and excellence in all of their products. Rudratree is here to serve you with integrity and dedication, regardless of your background—you may be a yoga practitioner, a seeker of spirituality, or someone wishing to apply some ancient wisdom to your everyday life.

To feel the power of real Rudraksha beads, stop by our store in Bangalore or take a look at our selection online. With the finest Rudraksha beads, energized to support meditation, healing, and personal development, we at Rudratree are dedicated to assisting you as you explore the spiritual path.

To sum up, Rudraksha beads are thought to have been a gift from one of the most revered deities in Hindu mythology, but they were not created. In order to respect this holy beginning, Rudratree offers beads that are as near to their divine source as feasible, prepared with reverence, and dedicated to advancing your spiritual development.

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